Are you looking for Top 10 Songs in Tamil Cinema 2013? Then, this will be the best page you will be finding the top 10 Tamil songs, released in the year of 2013. Scroll down for the list.
Top 10 Tamil songs list in 2013are listed below:
Vanganna Vanakamganna Song
Vanganna Vanakamganna is now in the position of one in the list of Tamil songs 2013. This song is from Thalaivaa movie. This movie is not yet released. But, this song is now very famous from the date when Audio got released. Music director of Vanganna Vanakamganna movie is, G.V. Prakash Kumar. He is one of the top music directors and having presence of composing will be perfect for entire film.
Kadal Raasa Naan Song
Kadal Raasa Naan song is really amazing. Even though the story of Mariyaan is getting appreciated by every audience; songs are getting hiked by the same audience. The music director for this song is our A.R. Rahman. This song takes a position two. The theme of the story narrates about the fisher man and his deep love. This song will switch everyone to feel in love.
Sonapareeya Song

Sonapareeya song is a wow song in Tamil songs 2013. It is listed as number 3. Yes, it’s like a kind of foke plus amazing lines. This song is from the movie of Mariyaan. This song is dedicated to all deep and true lovers from the date of audio releasing its very famous. Everyone used to hum this song frequently.
Boomi Enna Suthudhe Song
Boomi Enna Suthudhe is a realistic song with natural steps. This song will be very pleasant to hear. To say, the theme of the song is between the old face of one person to another face or phase. This movie is from Ethir Neechal. Music director for this movie is Anirudh Ravichander. Now days, Anirudh Ravichander is giving more importance for the upcoming Tamil heroes. Frequently Anirudh is joining his hands with Dhanush. Of course, Aishwarya, Dhanush and Anirudh are very close friends.
Azhagendral Song
Azhagendral song is a kind of melody song. This song is from the movie called, Theeya Velai Seiyyanum Kumaru. Hero speaks about his lover from his deep heart in this song. The screenplay and lyrics were awesome. This song has taken in a temple with a traditional dress. Everyone in this song looks very cute especially with Hansika.
Kaasu Panam Song
Kaasu Panam is a kind of foke song. This song is very famous now days. Boys are rocking this song for any type of function. This song is from Soodhu Kavvum movie. The music director of this song is Santhosh Narayanan.
Thalapathy Thalapathy Song
Thalapathy Thalapathy song is from Thalaivaa movie. Music director of this song is G.V. Prakash Kumar. This song is very famous from the dated when it got released.
Vidhai pola Song
Vidhai pola is an action song. Actor Surya proved his full action in this movie. The music director of this movie is Devi Prasad. This song is from the movie of Singam 2.
Pisthah Song
Pisthah song is from the movie of Neram. The music director of this movie is Rajesh Murugesan. This song is an action mixed masala. The one who is hearing or seeing this song will automatically get some energy and feels like to dance.
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